
Allows businesses to control their statistics, ensures compliance, security and immediate availability wherever their employees are.

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Just Too Easy

Sharing made easy

  • Cloex allows you to share a file, photo, video or music worldwide with just a link. Do not allow distance come between yourself and your loved ones!
  • Worried about your share link falling into the wrong hands? Cloex offers password protection and expiration dates to make sure only the intended person can open the shared files.
  • From project collaboration, travel planning to group work, the Cloex Collaboration Folder organizes files from different sources into one folder for centralized management.
  • Want to leave a message for the person sharing the file? You can! With Cloex, you can leave messages in a snap, and automatic notifications will be sent to that person’s device, ensuring that your comments are seen, and no information is missed.

Easy to use

  • An effective, easy-to-use interface is one of the main things that is out of Cloex competition. Design is far more beautiful than beautiful. Its purpose is to work with the users with minimal effort, to make sure how to work and reduce the number of steps needed.
  • Cloex allows administrator to monitor the health and performance of the Cloex system with the API endpoint for graphical user interface and application monitoring.
  • With Cloex, system administrators can control and control the flow of data between or between servers. Tagging files based on rules and allow these tags as well as procedures such as physical location, user group, file attributes and type of request allowed to access, convert, delete or retain data after commercial or legal requirements.


Ultimate Security

An open source, self-hosted product. Powerful on-server and End-to-end Encryption. Files are stored inside your company infrastructure, without any third party ever gaining access.


Cloex files and mobile interfaces allow users to share files with other users on the server, create and send public password-protected links, allow others to upload files to their own clouds and receive notifications on the phones and computers.

Supports Multiple Types of Internet Devices

Automatically uploads PC, notebook computer, NAS, and cell phone photos and other data to the cloud so you don’t have to worry about sudden hard drive failure or running out of space.

Keyword Search and Recovery

For large amounts of data, simply key in the keywords during emergency recovery to search for related headings and content in order to quickly locate the file you want.


Cloex allows users to view files, bookmarks, and tags, download content from browsers, clients or email notifications, and RSS feeds.

All Files

All file types, including doc/ppt/xls/csv/psd/ai, can be backed up without changing the file path so there is no need to rearrange the file structure after recovery.

Deep Integration

Access data from FTP, Windows Network Drive, SharePoint, NFS, Object storage and more. Simple deployment, configuration and integration lower costs and decrease risk while leveraging existing IT investments.


Easy Access Anywhere

A modern and easy-to-use web interface, desktop clients and mobile apps. Real-time collaboration and instant access to all data from any device, anywhere!


Cloex features have two-factor authentication, as well as single-sign-in support and integration with external user directories such as LDAP or IMAP, SMB, FPT and more, to provide built-in account management.

Joan G Meyer, Team Electronics

“Cloex has completely transformed the way we work. Cloex continued efforts to educate its own customers by “drinking their own juice” so to speak, is not only admirable, but inspiring.”

Christopher Gardner, Nobil

“The difference I see between Cloex and other tools is that Cloex is a complete solution. With Cloex I get both demand generation and marketing automation capabilities, which allows us to generate highly qualified leads and nurture them through our sales process.”

Debra Ross, All Wound Up

“Cloex allows me to work ON our business instead of always working IN our business. Before Cloex my day was filled with pulling all the levers and pushing all the buttons to make our marketing work. Now I focus on strategy by building workflows and tweaking them to perfection.”

Levi Hawkins, Family Toy

“The biggest difference with Cloex is that it gives us the visibility we need to understand the ROI for each of our marketing activities. This data is critical to our business. With Cloex, we’re able to easily see where our traffic is coming from and which of our marketing efforts are producing the most traffic, leads, and trials of our product. We can compare different marketing channels and how performance changes over time, allowing us to see where our marketing dollars are being spent most effectively.”

Gayle Campos, Netaid

We couldn’t be more pleased with the Cloex application. It is current, attractive, and super easy to navigate. Fulfills all our needs when it comes to protecting, controlling and monitoring our data.

Jeremiah Schrader, Star Bright Group

Very easy to use. The service was excellent. I don’t always clop, but when I do, it’s because of Cloex. If you aren’t sure, always go for Cloex.

Felicita A Burrage, McMahan

I would like to personally thank you for your outstanding product. Cloex has got everything I need. Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free!

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